Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wedding Card - Preview

سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Ayah! :)

سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

25.03.1963 - 25.03.2012 ~ Hari ini genaplah usia ayahku 49 tahun. Tak ada kata yang mampu aku ucap selain terima kasih kerana menjadi seorang ayah yang sangat baek. Along doakan ayah dikurniakan kesihatan yang baek2, dilindungi oleh-Nya, dilimpahkan rezeki, Along sayang ayah. :)

anak ayah!

ok! Seperti biasa, kami semua bangun awal untuk berebut2 memberi hadiah kepada tuan pny birthday. :) Dan ini lah pemberianku untuk ayah. Hasil duit gaji ku. Seronok sangat, selame ni bagi hadiah dr duit yang ayah bagi, iyela duit belanje ayah bagi, kumpul2 then beli hadiah. So inilah kali pertamanya aku beli hadiah ayah dengan hasil titik peluhku sendiri. Lain rasanya. :) Alhamdulillah, ayah suke sangat hadiah nih. :)



Thursday, March 8, 2012

To My Sayang :)

Dear Future Husband,

I love you already & I don’t even know who you are yet. I love you now because I know that because you’re my future, you’ve accepted me as the person that I am which has always been the only one thing I truly wanted to find in a man. I know that you understand me & all my craziness, from the mood swings, to the jealousy, and through all my randomness. You see the beauty in me, even in the moments when I don’t see it in myself. You tell me I’m pretty on those days when I feel like I’m not. You’ve listened to me speak about my insecurities and the reasons behind them without judging me or ever getting tired of me. You’ve been there. You’ve made me stronger, more confident, happier.

You’ve made me complete. I know that our love will be true & I know that the moment I meet you, I’ll know you’re it. I won’t need to search for my other half anymore because you’ll be right there in front of me. I look forward to the day when I finally have you here with me. I’ll be sure to keep you happy any way I possibly can. I promise to be the best wife. I’ll cook for you, I’ll clean, I’ll give you rub downs on your long days at work, I’ll listen to you, I’ll motivate you, I’ll watch every football game without interrupting you, I’ll let you have your time with your guys, & most importantly I’ll love you til the world ends & through whatever problems we go through. You’re all I need in this crazy world. I can’t wait til the day I have you.

With Love,
Your Future Wife ♥


Appreciate your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Even if at times they drive you crazy, be thankful for them. They’re doing their job by keeping you happy and loving you endlessly regardless of your flaws. You both picked each other for a reason and ended up together for a reason. So think about what they have done for you before you say something you might regret. ♥

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